Author name: Amorha Foundation

Sell Your Skills Beyond Your Environment: Unleashing Your Hidden Market Value

Do you ever feel like your talents are trapped within the confines of your current environment? Are your skills appreciated, but confined to specific tasks or niches within your current sphere? You’re not alone. Many individuals possess valuable abilities that haven’t reached their full potential, limited by the boundaries of their existing job, industry, or […]

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Secrets of High-Flying Students: Unlocking the Blueprint for Academic Excellence

Secrets of High-Flying Students: Unlocking the Blueprint for Academic Excellence In the ever-challenging world of academics, some students seem to effortlessly soar above the rest. They consistently achieve top grades, ace exams, and navigate the intricate landscape of knowledge with seemingly unmatched ease. What are their secrets? Are they gifted with superhuman intellects or blessed

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How Entrepreneurs Lose Their Capital Without Even Knowing: Tales from the Blind Spots of Business

The entrepreneurial journey is often romanticized – a passionate founder, a revolutionary idea, and a meteoric rise to success. But behind the glittering headlines lies a harsher reality, where countless ventures meet their demise amidst a silent erosion of capital. What many aspiring entrepreneurs don’t realize is that the biggest threats to their financial stability

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How to Trigger Repeat Purchases in Business: Unleashing the Power of Customer Loyalty

In the ever-competitive world of business, acquiring new customers is crucial, but nurturing existing ones is the secret sauce to sustainable success. The holy grail isn’t just a one-time purchase, it’s repeated transactions, forming the backbone of customer loyalty and revenue growth. So, how do you turn fleeting shoppers into loyal brand advocates, eager to

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Why Can’t I Remember What I Read? 5 Culprits Behind Memory Lapses

Ever poured over a fascinating book or meticulously highlighted key points in a textbook, only to find your mind blank when the test or discussion arrives? You’re not alone. Forgetting what you read is a common human experience, often triggered by a series of invisible factors at play within our brains. This article delves into

Why Can’t I Remember What I Read? 5 Culprits Behind Memory Lapses Read More »

Soft Skills: Your Secret Weapon in the Recruitment Arena

In today’s competitive job market, technical skills alone are no longer enough to secure your dream job. While having the “hard skills” listed on the job description is essential, it’s your soft skills that can truly set you apart from the crowd, turning a promising candidate into a standout hire. These intangible qualities, encompassing your

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