Market Sense

How Entrepreneurs Lose Their Capital Without Even Knowing: Tales from the Blind Spots of Business

The entrepreneurial journey is often romanticized – a passionate founder, a revolutionary idea, and a meteoric rise to success. But behind the glittering headlines lies a harsher reality, where countless ventures meet their demise amidst a silent erosion of capital. What many aspiring entrepreneurs don’t realize is that the biggest threats to their financial stability […]

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How to Trigger Repeat Purchases in Business: Unleashing the Power of Customer Loyalty

In the ever-competitive world of business, acquiring new customers is crucial, but nurturing existing ones is the secret sauce to sustainable success. The holy grail isn’t just a one-time purchase, it’s repeated transactions, forming the backbone of customer loyalty and revenue growth. So, how do you turn fleeting shoppers into loyal brand advocates, eager to

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